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Celebrating Our Recent Ofsted Report 'Good' with 'Outstanding' Personal Development

We are thrilled to share the latest Ofsted report, which highlights the wonderful environment and achievements at our school. Inspectors have confirmed that Hewens Primary School is a ‘Good’ school with 'Outstanding' personal development.  

Exceptional Personal Development: We excel in fostering personal development. Pupils take on leadership roles such as school councillors, prefects, and fruit ambassadors, actively participating in planning and presenting assemblies, including the Year 6 leavers' assembly. Exciting trips, like the day trip to France, allow pupils to practice their French and broaden their horizons.

Respect and Safety: Respect is the cornerstone of our positive relationships. Pupils feel incredibly safe, trusting that our dedicated staff will always look after them. Bullying is extremely rare, and pupils are confident that any issues would be swiftly resolved. Parents echo these sentiments, describing their children’s experiences as ‘super happy,’ ‘confident,’ and ‘excited to come to school.’

High Academic and Behavioural Standards: Our school sets high expectations for academic performance, leading to impressive achievements in subjects like reading and mathematics. Equally high standards for behaviour ensure that pupils display delightful manners, collaborate effectively in lessons, and enjoy harmonious playtimes.

Pride in Presentation: Our pupils take great pride in their work. Their books are neatly presented, and their explanations are written with care, featuring clear and legible handwriting. This, along with their attentive listening and thoughtful responses in lessons, reflects their positive attitudes towards learning.

Commitment to Attendance: We take attendance very seriously, meticulously analyzing our data to ensure continuous improvement. This dedication has led to significant enhancements in attendance over time. We are proactive in identifying and supporting families who face challenges in maintaining regular attendance.

Values-Driven Personal Development: Our school's values, known as the six Rs, are the foundation of our exemplary work in personal development. We prioritise helping pupils understand these values in depth and how they relate to essential life skills. Pupils engage in respectful and rational debates, and we provide a wide range of experiences, from zoo visits to pantomime performances and choir collaborations. Our effective use of pupil premium funding ensures that disadvantaged pupils are fully included in these enriching opportunities.

Focus on Well-being and Mental Health: Our trust places a high importance on the well-being and mental health of our stakeholders. We offer excellent support, both practical and emotional, to any pupils or families in need. This comprehensive support enables pupils to focus on their learning, knowing their other needs are being met.

We are proud of our pupils and grateful for the support of our parents, guardians, carers and community.

Read the full Ofsted report here.