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Meet the Governance

We are proud of our team of dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to support us in achieving our goals. 

The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust as sponsor, is responsible for a number of schools and colleges, including Hewens Primary School.  As part of its remit, The Trust continues to drive up standards, being fully committed to the further development of its provision for its stakeholders.   The Hewens Primary Local Advisory (Governing) Body (LAB) is therefore required to meet formally each term before reporting to the Academy Board as part of Governance Day, involving the Members and Directors. 

The LAB consists of community (co-opted) members, parents, guardians, carers and staff.  The skills sets, expertise and commitment of each individual are fundamental, as the LAB is critical to the work of Hewens Primary School and overall governance arrangements of The Trust.   Accordingly, the Hewens Primary LAB is made up as follows:

Zainab Jamil -  Chair  []

Kingsley Thomas - Headteacher

Sarah Driscoll - Chief Officer, Standards

Heidi Faure - Chief Officer, Operations

Debra Smith - Community

Fatima Zaidi - Parent

Mariam Ibrahim - Parent

Parminder SahotaParent

Zainab Jamil

As a parent of three children, Zainab Jamil is well placed to give constructive appraisal of the progress Hewens is making and actively participate in shaping the future of the School through her contribution to the Local Advisory Body.  Having gained a great deal of experience through governance of another local primary school, Zen believes it is the role of the school in partnership with parents to provide positive opportunities and experiences for all children.  She relishes the opportunity to share and develop Hewens Primary further and help it reach new heights and fulfil the aspirations of every child, present and future so they can flourish.

[No pecuniary interests declared]

Kingsley Thomas

Kingsley Thomas has held leadership roles at primary and secondary schools internationally and within the Trust. As a former Humanities Teacher, Dean of Discipline and Assistant Principal, he is dedicated to reaching and moulding young minds to achieve academic excellence and to embrace their civic duties. He ensures that all lessons focus on assimilation, and not just the acquisition of knowledge. With a proven track record for bringing learning to life and making it more accessible, pupils’ progress and success are always at the heart of his leadership.

[No pecuniary interests declared]

Sarah Driscoll

Sarah Driscoll has vast experience in educational leadership in both the primary and secondary phase, as well as Studio Colleges and UTCs.  Starting her career as an English teacher, Sarah has worked in various leadership positions as Principal, School Adviser and School Inspector. She is passionate about maximising opportunities within the Trust for cross-collaborative working and ensuring all children are supported to reach their potential from the moment they arrive in Nursery through to Post 16.  Indeed, as Chief Officer – Standards, she is committed to ensuring that all stakeholders are well placed to maximise their potential.

[No pecuniary interests declared]

Heidi Faure

Heidi Faure is an accomplished leader with a proven track record of success. As a former Mathematics Teacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator with a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Management, Heidi moved into the role of Vice Principal, before becoming Principal in January 2013; and Executive Principal in February 2018 with responsibility for the secondary phase.  As Chief Officer – Operations, she continues to be an advocate of clear targets and monitoring of progress.  She continually strives to secure fantastic outcomes for all learners. As a former governor of a local primary school, she has an absolute understanding of the needs of the community and is resolute that all children should fulfil their potential.

[No pecuniary interests declared]

Debra Smith

Debra Smith has been associated with the Trust in various capacities since September 2008. Her experience together with an MA in Integrated Provision for Children and Families, makes her well placed to discharge her role as Director of Early Years and Family Services.  With day nursery management experience and strategic lead at a local primary school where she set up stand-alone, self-financing pre-school provision, Debbie has been active in the local community, championing the cause of families bringing up children in challenging circumstances.  As governor, she continues to be a great advocate for high quality Early Years provision.

Little Marvels Nursery Services Limited (Early Years) - Professional interest only, Pecuniary interest declared 15th November 2016. Rowensbrook Training and Development, Professional interest only, first declared March 2017

Fatima Zaidi

Fatima Zaidi has two children at Hewens Primary.  She is passionate about every child achieving to the best of their ability.  As an advocate of sharing ideas, she is keen to analyse data, use resources and skills in order to see impact.  With a wealth of experience through working with children, Mrs Zaidi is committed to supporting the School in a Parent Governor capacity.

[No pecuniary interests declared]

Mariam Ibrahim

Mariam Ibrahim is a parent at Hewens Primary.  As a member of the school community, she is keen to engage with governance and committed to supporting the School in a Parent Governor capacity.

[No pecuniary interests declared]

Parminder Sahota

Parminder is a parent of a child at Hewens Primary. She is an advocate for equality and has a background in mental health and safeguarding.  With more than ten years’ experience of safeguarding, Parminder has the skills and experience necessary to support the setting.   She believes it is essential that all children have the ability to realise their full potential, with the right to learn in a safe environment, and have a voice. 

[No pecuniary interests declared]


The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust

Wood End Green Road

Telephone: 020 8573 2097 
Fax: 020 8573 0280
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